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Grand Chibani des Juvapotes
Grand Chibani des Juvapotes
Messages : 16936
Enregistré le : 07 janv. 2006, 07:44
Juva recensée / Juva registred? : Oui / Yes
type Juvaquatre? : R2101 DAUPHINOISE
Etat /Condition : En cours de restauration./ restoration in progress
Ville /Town : PALAISEAU 15km Au sud de Paris
Contact :

Welcome and few rules to know

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welcome to the forum Juv'amicale

few rules to know before you sign up.

: prof: You must choose a user name as your first name followed by your city name or the name of your county.
EXAMPLES: john of London; john of susex.
You must enter a valid email address (avoid wherever possible professional addresses)

your registration will be controlled by a administrator and approved by him after verification.

If within fifteen days of your registration, you have not posted a single message your account will be closed.

even if you stay a long time without posting message.

Thank you for your understanding

nota this forum is in French but you can also use English

Marc Sliwowski administrator of this forum.

contact: juvaquatre(at)jrhp.fr
Le Web c'est Marc Sliwowski créateur de la Juvaquatre Renault Home Page en 1998 et de ce forum.Passionné par les Juva depuis 1983 je possède une Dauphinoise service de 1959 et un coupé 39 .
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